FREE GUIDE: Strategic University Problem Solving with Student CRM

TL;DR - Discover the power of strategic problem-solving in student recruitment with our 'Student CRM Problem Solving Framework Guide' – your first step towards transforming your university's recruitment process.

As a student recruitment officer, you're no stranger to the complexities and challenges of attracting new students to your university. The good news? At Student CRM, we've baked a thoughtful problem-solving approach into every aspect of our platform, making it the ideal solution for UK universities seeking to recruit more students.

A Bespoke Approach

Our problem-solving framework isn't just a theory; it's a practice that's embedded into our CRM platform. This means you're not just purchasing a tool when you subscribe to our Student CRM platform, but to a comprehensive solution that's been meticulously designed with problem-solving at its core.

  1. Understanding the Problem: Student CRM doesn't just manage data; it helps identify bottlenecks in your recruitment process. Are students dropping off at a particular stage? Are they not engaging with your communications? Our platform helps redefine these problems clearly.

  2. Aligning with Stakeholders' Goals: We understand each university has unique goals and stakeholders. Our CRM is designed to be flexible, adapting to your unique needs and ensuring a desirable outcome for everyone – from the university leadership to potential students.

  3. Supporting Your Goals and Objectives: Our platform is designed to support your university's core goals and objectives. It's not about adding more features; it's about making the features work towards your unique objective, whether that's increasing international student enrolment or improving student retention.

  4. Effective, Reasonable, and Achievable Solutions: Student CRM isn't just about high-level strategies; it's about practical, achievable tactics. From automated communication workflows to comprehensive student profiling, our CRM provides reasonable and effective solutions to your recruitment challenges.

  5. Breaking Down into Tactics: With Student CRM, every recruitment strategy can be broken down into manageable tactics. Want to improve engagement? Use our tailored email campaigns. Looking to streamline the application process? Leverage our application management module.

  6. Reflecting and Adjusting: We understand that student recruitment isn't static. Our CRM allows you to adjust and prioritise your strategies based on real-time data, ensuring you're always moving towards your desired outcome.

Why Choose Student CRM?

Our platform goes beyond basic CRM functionalities. It's a strategic tool built with a problem-solving ethos, designed to tackle the unique challenges faced by UK universities. By choosing Student CRM, you're choosing:

• A platform designed with a deep understanding of the UK higher education sector. • A tool that offers effective, reasonable, and achievable solutions. • A strategic partner committed to helping you meet your recruitment goals.

In short, Student CRM is more than just software; it's a solution that understands your challenges and offers effective ways to overcome them.

Take the Next Step

Ready to see how our problem-solving approach can transform your student recruitment process? Download our 'Student CRM Problem Solving Framework Guide' today. Discover how we've woven this thoughtful approach into every aspect of our platform, and see why Student CRM is the ideal partner for UK universities looking to recruit more students.

With Student CRM, you're not just adopting a tool, you're embracing a problem-solving approach that's key to successful student recruitment. Don't just manage your recruitment process – enhance it with Student CRM.

Want to solve your recruitment problems?

We can show you how Student CRM could help you maximise your university’s recruitment results.

Get in touch with a lovely human who understands HE recruitment unbelievably well

In conclusion, Pulse is the solution for UK university recruitment officers who want to increase their student recruitment results. With Pulse's Touchpoints, Reports, and Performance, you can streamline your workflows, automate your communications, and make data-driven decisions to improve your recruitment efforts. At Student CRM, we're dedicated to helping you achieve your recruitment goals and increase student enrolment. Sign up for Student CRM and start using Pulse today to see the difference it can make.

🚀 Happy recruiting!

Dom Yeadon

Student CRM's Founder, Dom Yeadon, brings unparalleled experience and insights to the world of student recruitment. With decades of marketing, student recruitment, and higher education-specific services under his belt, Dom is uniquely positioned to offer the best advice on engaging students and driving recruitment success.

Why Dom Yeadon's Expertise Matters


  • Dom Yeadon has a proven track record in marketing that spans several decades.

  • His experience and understanding of marketing principles and strategies ensure that the advice and insights provided in the eNewsletter are backed by a solid foundation.


  • With years of hands-on experience in student recruitment, Dom has a deep understanding of the challenges and opportunities faced by UK universities.

  • His expertise enables him to provide practical and effective solutions to address the unique needs of higher education institutions.


  • Dom's dedication to the higher education sector has led him to focus exclusively on providing services tailored to the needs of UK universities.

  • This specialisation allows him to offer targeted advice and strategies that can have a significant impact on student recruitment efforts.


  • At the heart of Dom's work is a genuine passion for helping universities improve their recruitment processes and achieve their goals.

  • His commitment to the success of UK higher education institutions ensures that the insights and guidance offered in the eNewsletter are both relevant and valuable.

Benefit from Dom Yeadon's Expertise – Subscribe Today!

If you're a UK university recruitment officer looking to improve your student recruitment performance, subscribe to our monthly newsletter now! Get expert insights, best practices, and industry news delivered straight to your inbox. Don't miss out on this opportunity to stay ahead of the game.