This free playbook reduces the cognitive load on your university student recruitment officers.

Today I delivered another in my series of Founder Webinars. ‘Playbooks are now a thing.’

It is designed to Save your University Recruitment officers by reducing the cognitive load on your team.

Watch the webinar: Playbooks are now a thing

Download our playbook for free: Student-CRM-Playbook-1

This webinar appeals to UK university officers who deal with large volumes of student enquiries:

1. Streamlined Processes and Best Practices The idea that playbooks provide step-by-step guidance and compile expert advice to help people work more efficiently is very appealing. It offers the promise of improved efficiency and productivity.

2. Consistency and Standardisation The playbooks promise consistent execution of tasks, reducing errors, and freeing up more time to be spent productively.

3. Knowledge Sharing The effective transfer of knowledge that playbooks allow can save time usually spent on training or explaining procedures.

4. Understanding Student Expectations The detailed list of what students expect from their interactions with universities can guide the university officers in improving their service delivery.

5. Manageability of Workload The acknowledgment of large workloads in small teams resonates with the officers' everyday reality. The idea that playbooks can break down complex tasks into simpler, manageable steps is attractive.

6. Customisation The ability to customise the playbook to fit the specific needs and context of the university will be very appealing.

7. Measure of Success The mention of key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure the effectiveness of the strategies implemented is important.

8. Quick Results The promise of seeing results within 14 days can be very enticing.

9. Support from Student CRM The offer of support in implementing the playbook, including clarification of content, guidance on implementation, and follow-up support, is a big plus.