75% of students have their mobile on them 24/7

Today's students expect mobile. Tomorrow's students live it. Many other sources state that mobile is becoming increasingly important for higher educational establishments to utilise in their marketing and attracting attention throughout the user journey process of recruiting students.

  • 93% of students feel their smartphone makes life easier
  • 58% of students can't go an hour without checking their phone
  • 94% of students text every day
  • The average teen sends more than 50 texts a day

The latest trend is SoLoMo - meaning social, local and mobile is the best way to reach your audience. With this in mind, Student CRM has devised a selection of apps geared towards attracting and retaining students, from the birthdays app which sends a personalised birthday message on their special day to the mobile event capture app which quickly and efficiently captures students' details at open days and various events. Check them out and see which ones could best aid your recruitment process.

Source: Ellucian